Monday, March 10, 2014

Do you like green eggs and ham?

On Friday, I had the opportunity to spend some time hanging out with Mrs. Roberts first grade class (my sister in law). She had asked me earlier in the week to come and make green eggs and ham for her first grade friends. Apparently, my brother has shared with her that she's not a very good egg scrambler. This may or may not have to do with the fact that she tried to pass microwaved eggs off as "yummy".

Nonetheless, I headed to WPES, electric frying pan in hand, to cook. The principal met me in the office and remembers that there is a child with a severe egg allergy directly across the hall from the room we were in and that we would need to find an alternate plan. I shared that news with Chelsea and while she asked (frantically pleaded with) her mentor teacher to borrow her room, I chatted with the friends. 

First, I was shocked by how many of them remembered me from a blog Chelsea let them read several months back! They exclaimed, "you're the sister with the dogs. and you're married to moose!"  Lol! Second, one little girl made sure I knew that I used to be Miss Roberts until I got married. Third, they thought it was so silly that I called "Mrs Roberts" Chelsea! 

We voted on who would like green eggs and ham (only 3 said no), and then headed down to the 4K room when Chelsea returned. We cooked and ate our green eggs and ham while watching a quick Dr Seuss book on the smart board. Then, our in-school field trip ended and we headed back to Mrs. Roberts' room. As I packed up and left, the friends were writing about their green eggs and ham experience. You'll have to head over to First and Fab to find out how they liked them, but I'll share that I heard several murmurs that moms would be asked to make some of those yummy green eggs for an after school snack! 

All in all it was a minorly chaotic but majorly fun afternoon visit to first grade....and the kids got non-microwaved eggs to boot. ;)

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