Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Baby Saville #1. Eva Katherine's Birth Story part 1

Over the past few weeks, our doctors appointments had gotten closer together and a little more intense. We did some extra measuring on our girl and determined she was a little on the small side and may or may not have some growth issues. After checking and rechecking, it was determined that she was simply petite...but the thought was there and that was enough to make me fairly anxious. 

My doctor is amazing and listened to my concerns at our week 37 visit. She told me we could induce at 39 weeks if I had begun the dilation process on my own, and she said they would do everything they could to get Eva Kate here happy and healthy. 

At my 38 week appointment, I was between 1 and 2 cm dilated, so they scheduled an induction to begin Sunday evening the 16th. Typically, inductions for women who aren't quite 100% effaced go as follows--up to 4 doses of an oral medication that is taken every 4 hours (to get your cervix ready and dilate you a bit) and then IV pitocin for as long as needed to get baby. We were prepared that the process could take anywhere from 12-36 hours and were ready to settle in for the duration when we would arrive. 

I spent the last few days between the 13th and 16th frantically finishing the checklist! We got the car seat installed, cleaned the house, finished the hospital door hanger, and did all sorts of little last minute organizing things (washed bottles, convinced Moose to cut the grass, etc). Mom and I also shopped a bit for some newborn clothes because we knew Eva Kate would be coming to us super tiny! 

Here is where I take a second to tell you that the 17th was literally the "ideal" baby having date. With our cross country schedule as it is, we had races up until the big region meet at home on the 15th. Then, we didn't really have anything on the calendar until the 29th. We had a big church event on the 8th...and another on the 23, but nothing really in between. And finally, I sort of wanted to have her early in the week so that Moose could take some days, then work a couple, then enjoy her over the weekend. God answers even the most OCD prayers sometimes when He knows what we can handle! 

On the morning of Sunday the 16th, we woke up and got ready for church. I wore one of my favorite maternity dresses because I know I wouldn't get to wear it again until the next time around! We had told a few church friends about our impending induction and got lots of well wishes. About the time Sunday School began, I started to feel hot and nauseated and just kind of yuck. I chalked it up to nerves, ate a pastry, drank some water and laid down for a little bit in dad's office. By church time, I felt better so I went to church. 

We ate Chinese food for lunch and then went home for a relaxing afternoon before heading to the hospital that evening. Moose and I both napped, we tidied the house, and then loaded the car! I convinced him we needed one final Walmart run and some supper (at 4:45 pm) before checking in. We ate at McAlister's Deli, one of my favorites!!! 

At 6:00, we checked in with the business office. It was time to get the whole thing started. 

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