Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Reading the Bible in a Year

I dd something in 2016 that I have not done before in my 28 years! I finished a goal set for myself on January 1.

I may be exaggerating a tad, but I set the goal of reading through the Bible chronologically this past year and did it! Woot! This challenge was made a little easier with the help of the youversion Bible app that sets up the plan for you each and every day. There were some weeks where I missed several days and had to catch up, but doing two a day for a few in a row always got me back to where I needed to be.

This reading was such a blessing. I am sure I have read through the Bible before, but never in a pointed manner where I read a bit each day. I was so reminded of God's grace and forgiveness this year. God's faithfulness shone bright through the Scriptures, and so many of the words I read related to my life at that exact moment.

God provided for us this past year in such huge ways--we got our biggest desire of our heart and prayer, our Eva Kate! We were able to move into a bigger and more spacious house after months of praying/wondering if that was the right thing to do. Moose began a new job where he works in his actual field and has opportunity to advance.

As I look back on 2016 and all of its blessings, I think so many times of the evenings in my bed (feeling ick from pregnancy or exhausted from new baby or overwhelmed at job changes and insurance changes)...where God spoke to me through His word. Redemption, Forgiveness, Grace, Faithfulness..these are just a few of the words that come to mind as I begin to wrap my brain around 2016 and the process of reading through the Bible.

On top of the emotional and spiritual growth, I also was able to grow in knowledge. Reading through God's Word chronologically allowed me to see so many historical connections and perspectives of Biblical history for the first time. I saw stories and accounts in new and fresh ways.

God's Word is living and active...when we take the time to study it, it is able to speak to us in very real ways.

This year, I am doing a YouVersion Bible App plan where it is "Seeing Jesus throughout the Bible". I can't wait to read all of the Scriptures with a fresh perspective and see how God speaks to me through this process. I truly believe this is a commitment I plan to make each year and am excited to see how the Lord can take His Word and make it fresh and new for each season of life. I encourage you to join me and do it too!

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