If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that December is my absolute favorite and that I love all of the traditions that come along with it. This year was extra special because it was our first Christmas with Eva Kate...yay!
I love so much going to my parents' house during Christmas time and seeing all of their decor. This year, my mom bought new stockings with all of our initials on them. It is so sweet seeing those extra letters up there! Funny story-she asked me if I knew the name of my potential second child so she could go ahead and get that letter. Grin. Maybe not quite yet!
Chelsea and I took Eva Kate and Olivia to see Santa! The Haywood Mall Santa has been there forever, and he is just the best. His personality is so sweet, and he just looks so "lifelike". I don't know that I will spring for this splurge every year, but it was fun to do with the cousin twins this first year!
Eva Kate was confident that she needed to eat all of the things that day...and of course, she was wide awake and playing!
Moose and I celebrate our anniversary in December. Why am I using this picture from October? Well, because of this particular event, we didn't do much anniversary celebrating this year! ha! I love this guy so much and watching him develop into Eva Kate's daddy has been such a joy. 
Also on our anniversary this year, we attended/participated in our church's annual Hanging of the Green program. I was a Toy Soldier again this year, and Moose was the "green" king. Eva Kate hung out with her sweet friend Gracie in the nursery. lol This was during her extreme colic/milk allergy/hating life phase, so she had a hard time that night particularly. So glad that is behind us!
One of my absolute favorite events of every single December is our Friend Christmas Party. This party has changed over the years, but always includes yummy appetizers, a gift exchange, and a boys v girls game. I started hosting our friend party 5 years ago, and the group has both grown and changed over the years...but the fun has stayed the same!
We always have more food than we can ever consider eating! Sweets and savories and all of the yummy Christmas treats are in abundance.
We have exchanged "creative" date nights in the past, but this year, we exchanged board games. Each couple brought a game and we played dirty Santa to choose/switch.
Oh! Also, two years ago, we started a fun new tradition...we wear our Christmas PJs! Our boys even participate in this, and I am so grateful that they go along with my silly plans.
In years past, we have participated in a Christmas light scavenger hunt. The boys have won 4 years in a row. SAD! Because of my competitive nature and desire to win.....in addition to the fact that we had 8 guys and 8 girls this year (can't easily fit in one vehicle), I changed up our activity.
I truly, truly thought this would be a shoo-in for the girls. I really did, y'all.
We did a Gingerbread House Decorating contest.
Friends...the guys hit it out of the park! Their house is the one on the right...and we were going to put the houses on social media for a vote. Well, there was no need. They kicked our fannies.
SO......once again, the "girls just didn't get it" and the guys won.
next year........ladies.........next year!
Our whole group:
This was apparently also the year of the gingerbread house. Mom hosted a Calvary Kidz Christmas Party where we also did a gingerbread house contest. My group was full of type-A kiddos and thankfully, we ROCKED IT OUT!
Look how cute!!!!!
Here is ours stacked up to their competitors. We are on the far right. Winning!
The second half of the kids party consisted of a scavenger hunt. A sweet girl in our group bailed me out as my phone died right after taking our FIRST picture. Luckily, we were near her house and she grabbed her ipad from her room! Yay Alli!
Some sweet girls and their mommy have been asking about coming to visit Eva Kate at our home. I wanted to make some yummy treats to give away. I decided to combine the two and ask these precious friends to come help me decorate my cookies while their mommy played with Eva Kate. We had a blast! J asked me if we could make this an annual tradition, and I LOVED that! She and are are of the same mind in believing that Christmas Traditions are the BEST.
Eva Kate took her first road trip in December. Moose and I always go to his parents' house on the 23rd and 24th. Because of the way the holiday weekend fell this year, we were able to leave on the 22nd and and get some extra time with his family. Eva Kate loved spending time with all of her cousins! We love this time all piled up in Canton with family and celebrating the holiday.
We took Saville family pictures this weekend as well. Eva Kate conked out during this fun event! She was so cute. I think this might be the first time she ever slept in a photo.
We typically make our way home for Christmas Eve dinner with the Roberts fam. They go to our church's Christmas Eve service...and we meet up with them after.
We also always get to open one Christmas present on Christmas Eve...and it ALWAYS happens to be PJs. Usually, we don't have a theme, but this year because of the babies, we had one. Grin. Dad and I bought the cutest buffalo plaid baby PJs in Maine this year, so mom matched us all. Guys...this picture is one of my favorites.
Santa came! Woot woot!
Eva Kate got some fun toys, and I love how they look in our den. Moose's parents got her an exersaucer, and I can't wait to see her use it when she is a little bit bigger.We spent the remainder of our Christmas break at a basketball tournament. It has become a tradition to watch the Lady Mustangs play ball after Christmas. Eva Kate was a complete and total trooper and played in the bleachers the whole time. I love it so much!
This year, our tournament ended with a sad moment. Mackenzie tore her ACL and Meniscus in the last game. She had surgery and is recovering very well at this time, but is out for the remainder of this season and up to 6 months. It truly broke my heart because this girl and I share a mutual adoration for basketball. It hurts my heart to see her missing, but "Coach Mack" is taking it really well...and KILLING her therapy. So proud of her!
The past two years have ended with watching our Tigers on New Years Eve. This year, we were home for the holiday, so we spent the evening hanging out with the friend group at the Clegg's house. We played games, shot fireworks, and watched the tigers! I love this!
This holiday season was the absolute best! I can't wait for many more Christmases with Eva Kate and Moose. YAY!
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