But aside from this, I have taken upon myself to lose some weight. Not much, just 70 or so pounds. It came to my attention that I was becoming a little robust, as in I noticed I was starting to have my own gravitational pull and paper-clips would spontaneously start to circle around me. The weirdest part is that all my fat is located around my stomach. This does not make sense to me and I wish to be free of this what I like to call a "built-in plate and cup holder". So in order to lose this average sized 5th grader worth of weight I decided to severely limit my calories for 6 weeks, and then do the whole "let's be fashionable" Atkins diet. Well I must say I have been pleasantly surprised by both my will power and the results. As of this morning I have lost 41 pounds and 7 inches around my stomach in 6 weeks. However, I can not say that this diet has been easy nor pleasant. The worst part was when three weeks in, on a Sunday morning in church no less, I saw a doughnut on the table and thought to myself, "I would punch a kitten for just one bite." I quickly put the thought away as I do not enjoy prison, and sat down for Sunday School. I will make it eventually, so wish me luck and don't ask me out to dinner.
Stay hungry,
Entertaining...however, perhaps not enough to capture my interest on a daily basis. What else do you got?